Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome to Tips for SharePoint

Traditionally (and now I am talking a few years), good SharePoint documentation was scarse and hard to come by. This has changed somewhat. Better books are available, there are better best-practices, and Microsoft's own documentation is even getting better.

So .... this blog site is really just our developers' way of logging some of those tips and tricks that we have come across, and some of those we have come up with ourselves.

Feel free to contribute with your comments, tips and tricks. Obviously if you find a trick to solve a particular problem that is better than any that we might provide - shout!!!

So.... Welcome to Tips for SharePoint, from The SharePoint People

1 comment:

  1. This blog site is of great help to all the freshers and beginners who recently started working on it. I am following it from past few months and got all the needed help.
    sharepoint digital signature
